Here we sit at week 2 of summer, and we have been running around having a blast! For our activities, here is what we planned.
Monday, we dashed over to the new SOKC library for story time. The girls sang and danced and listened to the stories and rhymes. Once nap time arrived, Logann and I mixed up our bathtub paint. We found the recipe
here (from Pinterest, of course!). She added and mixed the ingredients. Then, she meticulously selected a color or a mix of colors for each individual slot. Logann had tons of fun painting, but once we added Merritt to the party, the paints got dumped over in just a few short seconds. It was fun while it lasted!
Stirring |
Selecting her colors |
The finished product |
Trying it out |
Tuesday, we joined our Junior High youth girls to go visit some residents at Legends Memory Care Center. We chatted with the ladies in their rooms at the care facility and gave them each a poster created by the girls. They were so excited to have visitors, even though it was for just a few minutes. After our visit, we headed to the house of a Sunday School teacher's brother for a swim party. We chowed down on sandwiches and spent lots of time in the water. Both of my girls were like fish...splashing and playing until I had to pull them out of the water.
That same evening, we went with the whole youth group to Bricktown to watch an Oklahoma City Redhawks baseball game. Merritt's favorite part was riding on the bus to the ballpark. She also loved the fountain across the street from the ballpark and seeing "Ruby", one of the mascots for the team. Logann chowed on some ice cream, and she couldn't get enough of the Center Field playground's tire swing.
Admiring the water |
Ruby!! |
Cheering at the game |
It's baseball, Dada! |
Swinging |
Center Field Fun! |
Taking in the scene |
This week, I tried to add in the activities from the local library. Since our house sits between two libraries, we get double the fun and the choices. This causes complete chaos in my brain and on our calendar, but the girls LOVE, LOVE going to the library! Wednesday was a movie day at the SOKC library, so Logann watched
Toy Story 3 while Merritt ran around the computers and the puzzles. She did stop a few seconds here and there to pound the "hammer" puzzle piece on the table. It even found its way into to proper slot on the puzzle a few times. Here's to hoping that all the running around the library will produce a love for reading someday when she figures out that the library is for books and not just for races. Again, once nap time arrived, Logann and I concocted our snow cone syrup. (The recipe can be found
First, we dissolved the sugar into the water and let it boil for one minute. Then, we added in the Kool-aid and let it cool. Once we were ready to eat, we crushed up some ice in the blender and drenched it with our syrup.
It was really good! Logann thought it was a bit too sweet, but Merritt and I devoured all of our bright red snow cone!
The finished product |
Yumm! |
"It's coldy, Momma!" |
For "Thoughtful Thursday", Logann drew pictures and mailed them to a few friends in Texas. She decided that she wanted to write to her friends Andrew, in Ft. Worth; Faith, in Terrell; and Maw-Maw, in Terrell. By this time in the week, I'm pretty much done entertaining, so sadly we weren't very thoughtful this day.
Friday was more of a hum-drum day because our activity didn't happen until the evening. Logann's friend Ashton is playing Cinderella at a nearby children's theater, so we went out to dinner and went to watch Ashton's play. She absolutely adores Ashton, and she LOVED, LOVED the play!
Cinderella in her wedding gown! |
And to conclude this crazy symphony of a week, here is Logann doing what I feel like doing!!