It is the beginning of Spring, and there is a blizzard. One day is 75, and the next day is 20. The blizzard blew through this past Friday. Logann couldn't have loved the snow more. On Friday night, we told her to get dressed in warm clothes so she could go play out in what snow had fallen so far. Here is what she chose:

So, we went in and chose clothes for her. We headed outside to play in the few patches of snow on our yard. Logann said she wanted to make snowflakes (not quite sure how to do that), snowballs, and snowmans.
Saturday brought us about 5 inches of snow, so Logann and Jeremy made a snowman and lots of snowballs and snowangels. Even though her little cheeks were red as strawberries and her hands were as cold as ice, Logann did not want to go inside. Even when the last bit of the snowman melted on Sunday afternoon, Logann searched and searched for the last drop of snow in which she could play (or stomp through). She said she can't wait for it to snow again.