Monday, January 21, 2008

Mini Me

My parents always tell me that Logann acts just like I used to. I'm not sure if I agree. Surely I wasn't this adventurous and energetic. Remember...I was the one who didn't like to play hide-n-seek because it involved running. But, that's beside the point. I do have a mini me on my hands. Good or bad...she has a personality that looks familiar.

Yesterdat at breakfast, she was attempting to use her fork to eat her egg. She tried and tried to stab that egg with her fork, but the silly thing kept falling off the fork. Instead of just picking up the bite that fell off and putting in her mouth, she sat there and laid the egg on top of the fork over and over again until she could get the egg to her mouth on the fork. Surely the perfection doesn't come from me!!!?!?!

Today, as I am cleaning up the dishes from dinner, I hear the cabinet doors in the bathroom closing. I call for Logann, knowing full well that she is into something. I come around the corner to see her in our bedroom with her shirt above her belly rubbing deoderant around her belly. If I can't teach her least she knows how to smell good!

Thursday, January 10, 2008

The Curse of Night-Night

What is the deal with going to bed? We took juice away during nap and night-night time. Now tonight, we have new drama. After Logann had been in bed for an hour and a half, in her new Dora Jammers, I hear her start to cry. I walk to her door and say, "Lay down and go night-night." I then hear her say, "Uh-oh. Diapie. Dora." I enter the room to find her standing in her bed TOTALLY naked!!!

We haven't hit 2 yet, and I'm not quite sure what to do with this cute kid. She cracks me up, but I just want to know...when can we just go to bed in peace??????

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Elmo spit!

Is it normal for a 1 year old to know how to pass blame? During nap time the other day, Logann had a mishap with Elmo. She has to go to sleep with Elmo, Snow White, Bear, a sock monkey, a weinie dog, and her juice cup. After an hour and a half of her singing, talking, and laughing to herself, I hear this strange sucking noise. Her back is to the door, so I can't see what she is doing. As I walk into the room, she quickly turns around and stands up to expose her soaked t-shirt. I said, "Oh no! What happened?" She quickly pointed her arm straight down and starts shaking her finger at Elmo. She proceeds to say, "Elmo spit!" We then have a long talk about how Elmo and Logie are not acting nice to spit their juice on Logann's shirt.

On Tuesday, Jeremy puts her down for her nap while I'm at the store, and he watched her from the door. She passes her juice cup around the all the friends in the bed. When she gets to Elmo, she turns him around in the corner of her bed and tells him, "No! No! Elmo!"

Today, Elmo struck again. What a surprise to hear Logann stand up in her bed and say, "Oh no!' I go in to find her shirt, socks, and sheet saturated with juice. The first words out of her mouth guessed it, "Elmo spit!"

New rule: no juice in bed!