Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Camping Out

Needing to get out and about, we took Logann on a one night camping trip. I decided to take one for the team and make a huge sacrifice--we actually stayed in a tent. We drove down to some land, owned by one of Jeremy's friends on the outside of Altus, OK. We set up our tent, and we geared up for the night. Jeremy took Logann fishing with her new Princess pole.She did not catch anything, but the next morning she said that fishing was her favorite part. We roasted hotdogs and made smores. It took some convincing, but Logann finally decided to eat the whole smore and not just the marshmallows. Once it got dark, we headed to our tent to watch movies (we couldn't rough it totally!). The night went smoothly until a few cows found their way to our tent and started chewing on my shoes that were outside the tent "door." I woke up to hear Jeremy yelling, "GAW! GAW!" as he tried to get the cows to move on. Luckily, they dropped my shoes and took off. Logann slept through the whole thing!

The next morning, we made some pancakes on the griddle and enjoyed a nice family breakfast. As we were getting things set up, Logann played on the side of the "kitchen." As I cooked, I could hear her singing "Jesus Loves Me." It was the sweetest thing!
I am actually surprised that I survived, but what surprised me the most is that I would consider doing it all again. Memories!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Lovely Lady

As Logann gets older, I am trying to find fun adventures for us to do so that we're not just playing at home with the same old stuff. Last Wednesday, we went to a Stephen Fite concert at the local YMCA. She wasn't too sure about all the kids screaming and dancing. You know how crazy kid's concerts can be!!! She kept asking to go to the bathroom, so I deduced that she was finding any excuse possible to get out of there. On our third trip to the restroom, I finally figured out that she had spied a fish tank outside of the bathroom doors. By this time, the concert was over, so as we headed to the car...she threw a fit because she wanted to go back to the concert. She cried all the way home. I guess she really did enjoy herself.

Today, we went to get pedicures. I loaded Logann up in the stroller for our walk, and we walked down to a local nail salon. Of course, she got the movie star treatment. They brought her a cold drink to enjoy while she picked out her color. She sat in my lap as they clipped and filed away on my old feet. Then, she got to put her feet in the bubbling bath and watch as the under-light turned the water different colors. They massaged her feet and added her carefully selected, hot pink polish. She looked like a movie star getting pampered.

Monday, September 8, 2008

First Day of School

Today was Logann's first day of Children's Day Out at our church. All weekend long, she kept telling me she was ready to go to school. Last night, I couldn't get her to go to bed, but finally, the first day arrived! Looking at the picture now, I know I have a big girl on my hands. She made a picture of "Logann's House." She played with the toys in the gym. She even took a nap on her napmat that I made her. To top it all off, she came home with a book order. I remember getting so excited to take them home and look at them with my mom. Now, I'm the mom (and I still get excited to look at them.) I am officially a FREAK! I took too many pictures of Logann's first day, from her eating breakfast,

to getting her hair fixed,

to walking to the door.It's not really school, but from all the flashes going off, you would have thought I was dropping her off at college. I'm proud of my big girl. She's already talking about going back to school, and it's only 3:58 on the same day!