Tuesday, March 25, 2008


We had a blast this year at Easter. As soon as Logann woke up, she said, "Happy Easta." She loved looking into her basket to find all of her goodies. Of course she wanted to eat all of the Reece's eggs. But, the best part came when it was time to hunt the Easter eggs. She stood at the door (as close as possible) with her friend Avery.

Once the door was opened, she took off outside to find every egg possible. Unlike last year when we had to point to every egg and tell her to put it in her bag, she collected eggs like a champ!

Now as her parents, we are trying to figure out an Easter tradition that will teach her the real meaning of Easter. We want her to know that the Easter bunny is all fun and games, but we celebrate Jesus conquering death. I can already see her displaying a love for Jesus. It is so exciting to hear her shout out a "Yeah! Chuuuurch!" as we turn the corner to go to church. And for the first time, her favorite song is "Jesus Loves Me". Lately, she has asked us to sing it to her several times a day. It excites me to know that she already has a love in her heart for our Savior. I can't wait for the day when she asks Him into her hear!!!

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Logie on a mission

This past week, we took a Mission Trip to Rillo-Rillo (as Logann calls it). In Amarillo, we were conducting Apartment Ministry bible clubs and doing some clean up work around a church campground. I really worried about taking Logann on the trip because I didn't know how she would handle being off of her "normal" schedule, sleeping in a big bed, and taking a bath not in a bathtub. I don't know why I worried. She was a champ! At the apartments, she was right in the middle of all the kids playing. After we would leave, she would say, "I wanna play with da kids!" She couldn't wait to get back there each day. It was exciting for me to watch because I want this to be something that is a part of her. I don't want her to have to get used to ministering to people. I want her to grow up and not know any better. Hopefully, missions will be something that she can grown up and never know when she really starting doing it because it is something that she has always done.

When the week was all said and done, Logann slept in a bunk bed, taken a bath in a rubber maid tub, and witnessed 11 kids coming to know Jesus as the Savior. I couldn't have asked for anything better than to see Logie on a mission!!!!

Friday, March 7, 2008

Snow Day

Last night, we received an inch or so of snow. Logann wanted to see it so badly from the window after she woke up. We looked out, and I decided that we'd better hurry and play before it melted. I bundled her up in some sweats and her furry boots. We put on her mittens (which lasted only about 5 minutes) Then, we put on her gloves. I was hoping she would leave the gloves on since they were easier in which to move around. She has a wonderful time running through the traces of snow in our back yard. The gloves quickly came off as well, but she didn't seem to mind. She would run to the door and tell me that it was "COOLD!" Then, she would scurry away to throw some more snow.
I finally stopped taking her picture, and obviously stopped paying attention to her. Before long, I realized that I hadn't see her or heard her in several minutes. I moved closer to the backdoor and saw her running along the side!!!!!! She had sat down by the bistro table, taken her boots off, and left her socks laying in a puddle so that she could run free!!! Of course, we immediately came in side.

I guess this is paybacks AGAIN for me. As much as I hated going outside as a child, I get to make up for in now because my child LOVES to be or barefoot...freezing or not!

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Happy Birthday, Logie!

On the 16th, we celebrated Logann's second birthday! She had an artist party in the youth room at church. The kids painted, played with play-dough, colored, and read books about shapes and colors.

I think they all had a great time. Logann enjoyed herself until she started getting sick. I felt so sorry for her. She played so hard, and then all of a sudden, she seemed to fall apart. Out of no where, she started running a fever. She tried her best to have a good time and be courteous to her friends. Once the party was over, she crashed for a few days.

Here she is blowing out her candles. I'm not even sure if she felt like eating her cake.

Besides Logann getting sick, the party was a blast. She enjoyed spending time with her family and her little friends from church. I'm already starting to think about the theme for next year.

Valentine's Day treat

For Valentine's Day, we took Logann to see Hannah Montana in 3D. I wasn't sure if she would sit through the whole thing, but for the most part...she did a good job. Here she is in her 3D glasses.
There were only 2 other people in the theater, so this was the first time that I have EVER stood up and danced during a movie. Logie and I were on the back row dancing and singing.

She had a great time, and we were so excited to take her to her first movie!