Today, Logann and I sat down to read all of the stories that happened in her little life, up until she was 3. A ton of time has gone by since I last posted my "Logie Tales". During that time, lots has happened with our little family. Logie is now 5, almost 6, and she is a big kindergartener. Let me recap the past 3 years in a quick minute, and hopefully I won't leave out any important details. Maybe some of these activities will explain why this blog sat alone for such a long time. Starting at the very beginning, let's dive right in..shall we?
In the Fall of 2008, I started working on my Master's degree at Southwestern Oklahoma State University (SWOSU) in Weatherford, OK. I took night classes on Monday and Thursday nights working on my Master's in School Psychometry. I graduated in May, 2010, praise the Lord! And with straigt A's, I might add!!

During this chapter of my life, I took a part-time job working for an Optometrist in town. In his office, they offer eye therapy. I was hired to use my degree ("almost degree" for a bit of time) by assessing patients to see if they qualified for the therapy. I loved administering the tests and writing the reports. I know...I'm a nerd!
To top off all of this craziness...we learned that we were expecting a baby!! Our baby girl would come into our crazy lives at the end of July, 2010. Because I require a Cesarian and because our doctor was planning a vacation, Merritt Claire Johnson swooped into our family early on July 16, 2010 in Weatherford, OK at the Weatherford Regional Hospital.

Logann was and is still such a proud and helpful sister! She loves her baby so much, and it makes my heart so happy. I ALWAYS wanted a sister, and I am so glad that my two girls will have the opportunity to experience life with a sister by their sides.

We have adjusted to a bigger family, a school-girl mommy, a working mommy, a stay-at-home mommy, a school-girl Logie, and now a move. Recently, we have sold our house in Weatherford, and we moved to a new home in Oklahoma City. Jeremy accepted a job as junior high youth pastor at Southern Hills Baptist Church in Oklahoma City. We LOVE, LOVE, LOVE living in "the City", and Jeremy is sooooooooo, sooooooooo happy in his new position. Logann started school at Oak Ridge Elementary, and she is loving her new friends and teacher.
Here is my little fancy-pants on her first day of school in OKC (Moore).

Now that I have a normal routine and semi-normal children, I hope to update Logie Tales on a regular basis. The name may stay the same, but the tales will involve Logie and her best friend and sister, Merr-Merr! Lord help us all--the world now has Courtney and her 2 mini-me's!!!!