Where did the past 6 years go? People always say that kids grow up so quickly. I always nod along as I just try to make it through a day with my crazy 2 girls. But as we celebrated Logann's 6th birthday this past weekend, I constantly found myself wondering how my tiny baby turned into a big teenager wanna-be!
Luckily, school was out on Logann's actual birthday, so she took treats on Thursday to share and celebrate with her class.

We were able to spend Friday trying to do all of Logann's favorite things as a family. She decided that she wanted her ears pierced, so she picked out her favorite outfit, and we started the day at the
mall in Norman by going to Claire's to pierce those tiny, 6 year old ears. She took it like a champ and just smiled through the whole process. I, on the other hand, couldn't look because I didn't want to see her jump or cringe in pain.

After the piercings, we headed to lunch at Bison Wiches to grab her favorite food...a sandwich. Jeremy tried to talk her into pizza or something fancy, but she just wanted to have a sandwich. Yumm!
Once lunch was complete, we ventured over to Ulta where Jeremy waxed his eyebrows (if that doesn't say, "Happy Birthday, Logann!" I don't know what does!), and Logann got a makeover! That evening she chose McDonald's for dinner and we topped off the night with the movie "Radio Rebel" on Disney Channel.

Logann's official birthday party was on Saturday, and she had a cheerleader party at our church. Her little friends and cousins cheered with some older, "real" cheeleaders.

What a great weekend! What a sweet girl! What a crazy 6 years we have had! It hit me that as parents, we have completed 1/3 of our time raising our girl! As a glass half empty girl, this made me sad that that much time is already gone. But, as the a glass half full girl, we still have 2/3 of our time left to teach, influence, direct, guide, discipline, hang out, laugh, and love! I love you Logie Bear! I can't believe you are already 6 years old, but I look forward to watching you grow every day! I can't wait to see the funny, smart, crazy, sweet woman you become!!