Anyone that knows me well knows that I am not a big fan of adventure, much less unexpected adventure. As a mom, I try to plan adventures every now and again so that the girls can see more than the inside of our house. Now, by adventure I'm not talking about water skiing (long story on why I won't do that again) or hunting squatches in a wooded area. Our type of adventures include Story Time at the Library or riding in the Jeep with the top down on an adventure to Sonic! That is real fun! This morning we had nothing on our agenda, so I decided that we would go out and take a walk. We got around, finished an episode of Elmo's World, and set out on our walk. Spur of the moment, we decided to walk towards the west side of our neighborhood so that we could take in some new scenery. As we walked along the winding sidewalk, I asked the girls if they wanted to head over to the playground across the street from our neighborhood. Of course they did!
We arrived at the playground and played around for a bit, all the while admiring the little pond and its ducks that sat behind our area. Logann decided that she wanted to check out the ducks, so she made her way towards the water to observe the animals. (I'll squash the anticipation now about what happened to her at the water. She did not fall in--she has made great strides since this little blog began.) She heard my many warnings to stay back from the water or to leave the ducks alone.
As she made her way around the water's edge, she yelled, "MOM! You've got to come see this!" Merritt and I made our way down to the bank and saw tons of turtles poking their little heads out of the water to observe us. None would actually find the courage to step up on the land, but the girls loved seeing and counting the little turtle heads bobbing in the water. Logann wandered around the pond a bit and again shouted for us to come and see. We stood back to admire a nest full of eggs.
She was amazed!
In order to keep the animals from little kid danger, I took Merritt back up to slide and to play. Logann just stood at the bank of the pond and took in the scenery.
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