Before we left for Mississippi, Logann and I spent a few days at Jeremy's mom's house. While Grammy was at work, I took L
ogann to the Jasmine Moran Children's Museum in Seminole. What a wonderful place for children to explore!! Logann RAN from station to station checking out all of the exciting displays. We saw fish, a fire truck, an ambulance, and an airplane cockpit. She got to play with bubbles, broadcast the news, excavate dinosaur bones, shop at a tiny grocery store, be a judge and jury, make shadows, and much more. She was such a big girl!
My favorite part was taking her in the little grocery store. Not because I always played "store" growing up, but because she shopped like a little mommy. She bought rolls, apple pie, oranges, oatmeal, and egg beaters. When she got up to the register, she ran to put the oatmeal back, and she picked up some dog treats. She was so sweet to think of Sam! Then, she ran the register like a pro. Typing in the numbers that the v
olunteer pointed to. She did get a little carried away with the plus button. I think her 5 items ended up costing her $269.58. Inflation!!!!
I tried to get her to play in the 3 and under room so that I could sit down for a minute. She lasted a whopping 20 seconds before she was at the door ready to head off to the next station. We had a great day, and I can't wait to go back again!
We left Grammy's house and headed to Mississippi. My brother graduated from Ole Miss with his doctorate, so our family traveled out to see his hooding and celebrate with Casey. Logann got to spend time with Nana & Poppa, Owen, Casey, & Christa, Sher-Bear & Ron (my aunt and uncle), and Christa's sister's family. Logann spent hours running and playing with Owen and his cousin Max. She got to "drive" Owen's Escalade. I use the term "drive" loosely. She pushed the gas, but she got distracted every time looking around. She would forget to steer. Jeremy and I used our quick reflexes often to grab the steering wheel before she plowed down a mailbox.

We had a great time hanging out with everyone. I was so happy that Logann got to see ALL of her family at one time. We finally got home, and now we are trying to get back into the swing of "normal". We can't wait to head out on our next adventure!
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