I'm always trying to find things for us to do so that we are not parked in front of the television. Tonight, the crafter in me wanted to think of something that was fun, productive, and creative. I got online and looked for edible projects. I found a recipe for pudding paint. Logann and I made a batch of banana pudding. Then, she chose the colors, and we mixed up our paints. I think she was a little shocked when I sat her down at the table with no paint brush. She just sat there with the paints and looked at me. She finally said, "I use my fingers?" 
It took her a minute to get going, but after a few minutes she was dumping the bowls onto the paper, and the little finger dabbles became full hand swishes.
My little budding artist makes me proud. Next, we're off to play a little Elefun!
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