Today was Logann's first day of Children's Day Out at our church. All weekend long, she kept telling me she was ready to go to school. Last night, I couldn't get her to go to bed, but finally, the first day arrived! Looking at the picture now, I know I have a big girl on my hands. She made a picture of "Logann's House."
She played with the toys in the gym. She even took a nap on her napmat that I made her. To top it all off, she came home with a book order. I remember getting so excited to take them home and look at them with my mom. Now, I'm the mom (and I still get excited to look at them.) I am officially a FREAK! I took too many pictures of Logann's first day, from her eating breakfast,
to getting her hair fixed,
to walking to the door.
It's not really school, but from all the flashes going off, you would have thought I was dropping her off at college. I'm proud of my big girl. She's already talking about going back to school, and it's only 3:58 on the same day!
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