We had a blast this year at Easter. As soon as Logann woke up, she said, "Happy Easta." She loved looking into her basket to find all of her goodies. Of course she wanted to eat all of the Reece's eggs. But, the best part came when it was time to hunt the Easter eggs. She stood at the door (as close as possible) with her friend Avery.
Once the door was opened, she took off outside to find every egg possible. Unlike last year when we had to point to every egg and tell her to put it in her bag, she collected eggs like a champ!
Now as her parents, we are trying to figure out an Easter tradition that will teach her the real meaning of Easter. We want her to know that the Easter bunny is all fun and games, but we celebrate Jesus conquering death. I can already see her displaying a love for Jesus. It is so exciting to hear her shout out a "Yeah! Chuuuurch!" as we turn the corner to go to church. And for the first time, her favorite song is "Jesus Loves Me". Lately, she has asked us to sing it to her several times a day. It excites me to know that she already has a love in her heart for our Savior. I can't wait for the day when she asks Him into her hear!!!